
Tour de micrograd

In a separate post, I did a selective pass over the development of artificial neural networks to highlight baked in design choices.

ML/AI in the wild

🌱 notes (masquerading as a post) 🌱 Developers’ ML workflows Building personal software with Claude - Nelson Elhage

ARENA: AI interpretability

🌱 notes 🌱 During my second batch at RC, I joined a study group to cover the materials from Callum McDougall’s Alignment Research Engineer Accelerator aka ARENA program which is normally delivered by LISA: the London Initiative for Safe AI.


Welcome! 👋 In the past, I’ve used a few other platforms for (sporadically) posting my writing (see Medium and Substack Posts).

Naive ray tracer implementation in Python

During my first Recurse Center retreat in the fall of 2021, I started learning Python in earnest (along with a little React on the side), worked on code craftsmanship, and started to fill in the gaps of my non-CS background on any aspects of computing I happened across during study sessions or while pairing with fellow Recursers.

Mickens Usenix 2018

Notes from James Mickens’ talk at USENIX Security ‘18. If you haven’t seen James’ talk and have an hour to view his actual keynote, please do yourself a favor and just go see his talk.