
ARENA: AI interpretability

🌱 notes 🌱 During my second batch at RC, I joined a study group to cover the materials from Callum McDougall’s Alignment Research Engineer Accelerator aka ARENA program which is normally delivered by LISA: the London Initiative for Safe AI.


Welcome to a new version of my site. In the past, I’ve used a few other platforms for (sporadically) posting my writing (see Medium and Substack Posts).

Naive ray tracer implementation in Python

During my first Recurse Center retreat in the fall of 2021, I started learning Python in earnest (along with a little React on the side), worked on code craftsmanship, and started to fill in the gaps of my non-CS background on any aspects of computing I happened across during study sessions or while pairing with fellow Recursers.

Mainstreaming longevity

Scaling biohacking The landscape for delivering longevity interventions at scale Longevity intervention can be a loaded expression, too often carrying the weight of association with quests for immortality.