🌱 notes 🌱 Python is the defacto language of machine learning.
🌱 notes 🌱 Understanding Rust’s approach to memory management is essential to understanding Rust programs and writing idiomatic Rust.
🌱 notes 🌱 Developers’ ML workflows Nicholas Carlini: How I Use "AI"
🌱 notes 🌱 One of my 2024 batch goals at Recurse is to learn a bit of Rust.
“The retreat where curious programmers recharge and grow” I was first welcomed into the Recurse community in the fall of 2021, then returned for a second batch in the summer of 2024.
🌱 notes 🌱 During my second batch at RC, I joined a study group to cover the materials from Callum McDougall’s Alignment Research Engineer Accelerator aka ARENA program which is normally delivered by LISA: the London Initiative for Safe AI.
Welcome to a new version of my site.
In the past, I’ve used a few other platforms for (sporadically) posting my writing (see Medium and Substack Posts).
🌱 notes 🌱 Where to begin? Just starting out in machine learning?
During my first Recurse Center retreat in the fall of 2021, I learned Python (and just a little React), worked on code craftsmanship, and poked around to learn a bit about any aspects of computing I happened across during study sessions or while pairing with fellow Recursers.
In addition to research publications, I have a small collection of prior publicly-shared works on Medium and Substack.
This post shares a bit about the translational geroscience portfolio I nurtured into being at the University of Oxford between early 2019 and mid-2021.
Scaling biohacking The landscape for delivering longevity interventions at scale Longevity intervention can be a loaded expression, too often carrying the weight of association with quests for immortality.
James Mickens on the value of skepticism Notes from James Mickens’ talk at USENIX Security ‘18.
Picture perfect: AI + medical imaging Caveat emptor! Written in November 2017.
Seeing within: Magical imaging Much of the complexity of the human body is shrouded in mystery.