
Recurse Center fka Hacker School

“The retreat where curious programmers recharge and grow”

I was first welcomed into the Recurse community in the fall of 2021, then returned for a second batch in the summer of 2024.

Recurse brands itself as the equivalent of a writers’ retreat - but for software engineers. Recursers work at the edge of their abilities to become dramatically better programmers during their batch, then never-graduate and join the 2000+ alumni community.

What do Recursers do during their batches? Well, anything they want, really - unschooling at its finest. The only requirements are to live by the light-weight social rules, to commit to becoming a dramatically better programmer in-batch, and to learn generously.

But what is the secret of Recurse?

The community can be humbling - it is no exaggeration to say it’s brimming with technical genius. Simultaneously, generosity and kindness are foundational values. The combination is almost indescribable.

How does Recurse do it? The social rules aren’t burdensome, yet somehow succeed at ensuring that not only do Recursers have a sense of belonging and welcome, but also of responsibility to contribute maximally.

I’ve studied and worked in excellent environments, but this is on another level: the extent to which joining the Recurse community enables accelerated technical progress probably needs to be experienced to be fully appreciated. Do I know the secret? Honestly, I could guess, but how could I be certain? Let’s call it serendipity, magic, whatever! If you’re a curious and kind programmer, and if this sounds like it might be for you, consider applying!